I have never made a better choice for myself. Being apart of this organization has prepared me for my future career and opened the door to many different opportunities.
The Go Team! promotes the athletic department, and the official sports at MSUM. My role on the Go Team has been extensive, as I serve in several different areas. The first is being the lead for promotions. I am in charge of making sure all the promotional games, giveaways, and prize items are taken care of. Working in this position, I have increased my public speaking skills as I entice the hundreds of fans to get involved in a promotional game. I have almost perfected the art of the elevator pitch and the skill of persuading individuals. This skill comes from going up to random people to try and get them to play a promotional game. I have also increased my courage to go and talk to random strangers. I have learned the skills of organization and working in a fast paced environment. During a game, you never know when you are going to be up next to play a game, so being well prepared and being able to go with the flow is important.
I have gained professional communication skills working with coaches. I am the social media manager for the Cross Country and Track and Field team. I am in charge of making the athletes look good and promoting our athletic page for new recruits, highlighting our current accomplishments, as well as keeping alumni involved on our social media pages. I have built professional relationships with my peers and formed bonds within the track and cross-country team. They have a trust in me to do my job, and I have found joy in supporting them through their career.
In addition to the skills I have learned, I have made many friends with my coworkers and within the teams I work with. This is a great networking opportunity. The environment in Go Team is one that wants everyone to succeed. We share each others work, send job openings to others and give constructive criticism to grow as an individual. I have gotten other jobs from working in Go Team! and wouldn’t be where I am today with the impressive resume I have built up without Go Team! and all the national awards I have won through the work I have done with them. If you are ever interested in working in sports then your first stop should be in the Go Team! Apply to get some experience working with the second best D2 college marketing team in 2023. If you don’t want to work in sports, then it’s a great on campus job for those who have a similar interests or hobbies.
